Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Bauhaus Search Week 6

When searching for images on the computer in search engines, you do have to define your search so you get relevant images for what your after.

Make sure you type in correct phrases and keywords
Exclude some results from your search, like when searching Bauhaus exclude "bands" if your not looking into music and bands from the bauhaus movement.
Include as much information you can about the subject you are searching for.
Select the size image you are looking for, small, medium, large - if you need a good quality picture you will most likely have to search large images.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


FLOSS, aka Free License Open Source Software

This open source software is free to download. It is under a open licence which allows people to modify versions of it and distribute them modified to their changes and the original un-modified version, as long as it is still under the same licence, allowing the next people who get the software the same option of modifying and distributing it and so forth.

This guy really was a crack up, my favourite comment had to be "Piracy is attacking ships and its very bad, but we shouldn't use a term for something so bad to talk about sharing, because sharing is good " very good philosophy I feel, but overall he did explain about FlOSS pretty well.

For more about the free software movement and a better more in depth and technical explanation check out this link, Free Software Foundation.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Image from Flickr with CC license

I love wildlife photography and tigers and big cats of all kind they wear their personality on their face, and if I could do anything meaningful in my life I would work with the conservation and preservation of these big cats and all endangered species so we as a generation aren't responsible for their extinction.

This work is from Flickr

It was taken by Jean-Guy Dallaire (user name: ru_24_real) and is licensed under a creative commons license. Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

This license means I can share this image but can not alter and change it in any way, use it for commercial purposes and have to give all the attribution for this image going to the artist and can not claim it as my own.

It is a stunning photo. To view the rest of the work by Jean-Guy Dallaire  on Flickr click Here

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Copyright Case Study 3

Keir Smith vs The Law

Oh so criminal created by Keir Smith as much as people would like to think of what he did as illegel and to some extent it is, having montaged all these "brands" whether its brands of Companys, people's voices, musicians etc all together without their permission, and it proberly is worst as he posted it on the internet for all to see and isn't restricting it to personal use. However I do find it genius, he has put it all together, all these different parts in a way to convey a different message, unique to his view. It also shows the way these downloads of movies and songs etc can be good to share, he shared this video on the internet for all to see and its entertaining to watch, its very clever and enjoying to watch.

This is a case of I see and understand both sides points of views on piracy and illegel use of other property, I both disagree and agree, and am just going to chill on the fence and let others decide on this case.

Copyright Case Study 2

 Universal Studios vs Lebbeus Woods

This scene from the movies 12 Monkeys (1995) on the left is basically a direct copy of this drawing on the right by Lebbeus Woods (1987).

Every aspect of the scene is the same as it was drawn by Lebbeus Wood, all without the artists permission, in breach of copyright? I think so.

From the shape and design of the chair to the layout and texture of the walls and the positioning and design of the hanging sphere, from the scene to the original the similarities stare you blatantly in the face.

One of the worst copyright and most obvious copyright breaches no surprise Universal Studios lost this one.

Copyright: Case study 1

Case Study One

George Harrison "My Sweet Lord" vs. The Chiffon's "He's so fine"

How he got sued for copyright infringement I'm not too sure, yes like every song out there you can find something that it is similar to in one way or another, but they aren't really the same at all, however George Harrison did end up getting sued for copyright infringement.

Rating System: 5= Exactly the same 4= V. Similar 3= Somewhat alike 2=Barely the same 1= Not at all the same

Melody: 3
Harmony/ Chordal Structure: 3
Tempo: 5
Lyrics: 1
Instruments: 2

The two songs are further similar in their back up singers melody which is very similar and the length of the verses and syllables but the songs are completely different in pitch, the style of music (instruments) and the lyrics are not alike in any way. While there are some comparisons I don't personally think there is enough to sue for copyright infringement.

Check them out Here

Ceramics Studio Rotation 1

My first rotation of the different subjects I selected as my modules at art school was ceramics. To say I wasn't the best at it is a huge understatement. I will never make the cut as a potter of any kind I only succeeded in getting covered in clay and producing some very interesting work, overall I wasn't very successful and won't be majoring in ceramics, my next rotation, photography, should be much better.


Slideshare is on online website where you can upload private or public slide shows for others to view. The link below I found inspiring to flick through, it reminds me no matter where we come from or who we are, we all have the right to enjoy life and the beauty of the world and the presence the people in it. We lose sight of this as we learn more about the truth of the world and the people in it, but the innocence of these children reminds me that a world where we aren't judging so quickly is a place of hope, peace, enjoyment and wonderment at the beauty each day holds.

This is one of my favourites, Colors of the World, Children

Speaking of the world, there is this awesome site that is really quite fascinating, Worldometers, its all these statistics about the world and you can watch them change as the worlds population constantly evolves and changes. Check it out Here

Maori Culture

Maori Culture

This video relates to my first assignment for Art History and Theory which was on Mark Adams, a photographer who focuses on Maori and Pakeha influence on the land telling past history of the land choosing it as his subject because of its symblic maori history. This video helps give an understanding about the relationships between the Maori and Pakeha with the land today and how close the Maori culture is to its history.

Workbook work sheet Week 6 PDF
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 New Zealand License.